Farce about Michael's death investigation continues. Murray the only defendants. It is necessary to realize a few facts that certainly are not new, but some people still do not fit things into context, or simply do not have the information in the media say are melting.
Fact 1 - before the release of Invincible, Michael had to pay money in advance, which should make from album sales.
This financial transaction was for Michael's career dire consequences, but in the music industry for things like that occasionally.
Fact 2 - Michael put up collateral in case the debt could not pay had their share of the ATV catalog - it was not a happy decision.
(The value of Michael's 50% stake was over $ 1 billion)
fact 3 - ATV catalog value is much higher than the money they could earn from the sale of Sony's Invincible album, it is a sum in excess of $ 2 billion.
fact 4 - Sony suddenly the promotion of the album Invincible chose counterproductive advertising campaign, singles from Invincible, were compared with the singles from the previous record of History a poor family, video clips from Invincible are unoriginal and boring compared to previous singles remixes based on no, not in 2 , 3 versions, as ever, but in one single. While the History came out 6 singles in Europe and 5 in the U.S., came from the Invincible, a single in the U.S. and 2 in Europe, this could go on forever ... Michael's career is experiencing a rapid fall.
fact 5 - Michael surprising because this change is not able to repay the debt, which the Sony has. Because of this they held meetings in 2002 demonstrations against Sony to announce that Sony wants to leave quickly with half the ATV catalog. That's not so simple, they owed money, Sony stole it. That's right, Sony has prepared sabotováním Invincible Michael about the money from album sales, but the same money needed to make them pay down the debt, the situation is totally absurd, owes them money he had stolen ... So they can not just walk away with half of the ATV catalog, because there years ago, unfortunately, had to pledge in the event that will be able to repay debt. As a starting point was therefore everything they need to pay.
fact 6 - the Sony sabotaged Invincible Michael's projects and all isolates from Michael possibility to pay anything.
fact 7 - when he decided in 2008 for a series of concerts, counts with 10 concerts. It would not be a Sony no tragedy. Whether Michael's own fault or the fault of the managers, but is that a series of 10 concerts at the same time there is a concert tour in 1950, tickets to all concerts were sold within a few hours and tours This is it breaking records even before its start. In mid 2010, after playing all 50 concerts, Michael had to earn enough to repay all his debts! In addition, his career is going up as fast as it went down once, Michael is planning to release two new singles, there is speculation about a series of other concerts in Asia and other continents in 2010, the 2011th
For Sony this means one, Michael got out their hands against each other have opened up a tank that no legal way could not be stopped. Chances are they Michael dances away with half of their music catalog is growing day by day. They stopped him illegally, therefore, planned the murder, which looks like an accident. Debts remain, Michael's family is in financial trouble, being sued for outrageous amounts. ATV catalog remains the company Sony, which is due to him becoming the richest and most powerful mafia world, because the way you keep the catalog is truly worthy of the mafia.